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All the latest AI tools customized for your business in one simple place where you own all the data.

Running a business is complex enough. Getting AI to work for you shouldn't be.

AI Tools Usage

Your Team is Already Using AI at work... But It's a Mess

Sensitive company or client data being sent to public ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc.

Knowledge scattered across lots of multiple tools and teams and timeframes

Generic AI responses that don't make sense in your business context

Many different subscriptions to manage, accumulating costs without clear value

Take Control and Empower Your People

Stop letting your valuable data leak to public AI tools. Stop waiting for your competitors to leapfrog you. SmartHub gives you all the leading AI capabilities with complete control over your data, in one simple, secure interface for your whole team.

All the Best AI tools, in one place

Access the latest models from OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Black Forest Labs and others in one simple interface

Custom Assistants with custom knowledge

AI that understands your specific processes, industry terminology, and business context

Granular Access Control

Define exactly who can access what, with detailed audit trails and usage monitoring

Secure Infrastructure

Your data stays on your secure infrastructure, never leaving your control

AI Tools Usage

We're With You Every Step of the Way

From initial setup and design customizations, to onboarding and training, to custom agents and workflows. We are here.

  • Initial setup and customization for your specific needs
  • Employee training with bite-sized videos
  • Technical and prompting support when you need it
  • Regular check-ins to optimize your AI usage
  • Help connecting SmartHub to your existing tools and data
  • Bespoke design and development of custom agents and workflows

SmartHub = Smart Pricing

Simple, transparent pricing that scales with your success, not with the hype.

One flat base fee, no per-seat pricing
Pay for actual usage, not endless subscriptions
Explicit controls over your costs
No vendor lock-in, you own your data
Business Background

Make AI Work for Your Business

Every business is different. Let's talk about how we can customize SmartHub for yours.

Schedule a Demo

"We believe in the future where every business owns their own AI, customized for their businesses, controlled by them and generating real value. Do you?"

— Steve Griffiths, Founder & CEO